GJPD Exposed

Grand Junction Police’s Spanish-English Phrase Book

Posted in GJPD, Grand Junction, Racial Profiling by GJPD Exposed on October 27, 2009

EDITOR’S NOTE—This document recently fell in our laps. It’s the Spanish-English phrase book for Grand Junction’s finest. Its also insightful on how the police view their interactions with the community both hispanic and otherwise. Notice there is nothing like, “are you okay?” or “do you need help?” or anything about rights.

Be quiet—Silencio
Come with me—Ven conmigo
Do you feel okay—Se siente bien?
Do you have any—Tiene usted alguna
Do you have identification—Tiene identification
Do you need a doctor—Necesita un medico
Do you speak english—Habla Ingles
Have you been drinking—Ha estado bebiendo
Have you taken any drugs—Ha tomado alguna droga
How many drinks have you had—Cuantas bebidas ha tenido usted
How old are you—Cuando anos tienes
I don’t understand—No entiendo
Knife—Cuchillo, Navaja
Listen to me—Escuchame
Please—Por favor
Relax, Calm down—Relajese, Calmate
Show me—Muestrame
Speak slowly—Hable despacio
Thank you—Gracias
What is your date of birth—Cual es su
fecha de nacimiento
What is your name—Como te llamas
When did this happen—Cuando ocurrio esto
Where are the—Donde estan los
Where are you from—De donde eres
Where are you going—Adonde vas
Where do you live—Donde vives
Where do you work—Donde trabajas
Where do you come from—De donde vienes
Who did this—Quien hizo esto
Who is this—Quien es este
Who owns this—A quien pertenece este
Write down what happened—Anote lo que sucedio
Can I see your—Puedo ver su
Driving License—Licencia de conducir/ manejar
Get out of the car—Sel del auto
Proof of insurance—Prueba de seguro

Vehicle registration—Matricula de vehiculo
Do it now—Hagalo ahora
Don’t move—no se mueva
Drop the weapon—Suelta el arma
Get back—Haste por atras
Get on your knees—En sus rodillas
Give me your hand—Dame tu mano
Interlock your fingers—intertraba de los dedos
Keep your hands where I can see them— Mantenga las manos donde pueda verias
Lie down on your stomach—Acuestese sobre el estomago
Palms together—Palma de la mano juntos
Put your hands behind your back—Ponga sus manos detras de su espalda
Put your hands up—Ponga sus manos arriba
Sit up—Dentarse
Stand up—Levantate
Stay there—Permanezca alli
Stop resisting—Deja de resistir
Thumbs upwards—Pulgares hacia arriba
Turn around—Dar la vuelta
You are going to jail—Vas a ir a la carcel
You are under arrest—Usted esta arrestado
You have a warrant —Usted tiene una orden para su arresto •

*From the upcoming issue of The Red Pill Vol. 7 No. 7* http://www.gjredpill.org